Katas Raj and Babri Masjid - Reflections

Beautiful Katas Raj Temples, Chakwal-Pakistan

6th December 2018 - Most of the answers which we seek, we can find in our own reflection.

26 Years have passed since 6th December 1992, the day when victorious Hindu mobs fighting against their own Conscience, oppressed Muslim minority of India, Secular State of India and Multi-Cultural/Multi-Racial Indian Society, achieved success in striking them all down with a demolition hammer on Babri Masjid.

Sign inside the Katas Raj Temple Complex says in Urdu - Respect Religious and Historic places

Babri Masjid was just a historically insignificant place of worship for Muslims in India and almost unknown to the Muslims outside of India, until the day of its demolition.

Demolition of Babri Masjid by Rightwing Hindus, 6 December 1992, picture credit swarajyamag.com 

But the demolition of Babri Masjid has exposed to the world, the ignorance and hate of Rightwing Hindus along with the criminal negligence of Indian State towards rights of minorities.

As a Muslim and a student of history, I search for answers.

Year 1525, Zaheer-ud-Din Muhammad Babur was marching for the Delhi Throne, ruled at the time by Ibrahim Lodhi. Coming from Kabul with his Army, he rested at a place next to a beautiful lake, in a place within Salt Range Mountains, which is now called Kalar Kahar in District Chakwal of Punjab Province in Pakistan.

Takht-i-Babri / Throne of Babur, a stage and steps carved out of stone, in a high place where Emperor Babur used to rest and stood to address his Army, at Kalar Kahar.

As his Army rested and he stayed in this place, surrounded by Salt Range Mountains, making preparations for his attack on Delhi, he was a stone throw away from Katas Raj Temples.

Sacred Hindu Pond of Katas, seen from within one of the Temples

Katas Raj Temples are several Hindu Temples build to lord Shiva and lord Hanuman, connected by walkways, surrounding a pond called Katas considered highly sacred by the Hindus.

According to sacred Hindu Texts Puranas, this Pond is formed by the tears of lord Shiva. After death of his wife Sati, lord Shiva wandered the Earth inconsolably, until he reached this place and cried, forming this sacred Pond.

These Temples are mentioned in Mahabharata as a place where Pandava brothers spent significant part of their exile. It is also believed by Hindus to be the place where the Pandava brothers engaged in the Riddle Contest with Yakshas, as described in Yaksha Prashna in Mahabharata. Hindus believe that lord Krishna laid foundation for the Temple of lord Shiv here and established a hand-made Shivling in it.

Shivling in the Temple of lord Shiva at Katas Raj Temples

My question to all the Hindus and students of history is, if Emperor Babur was at all interested in building Masjids in place of Hindu Temples, why he did not destroy Katas Raj to build a Masjid, but as he is accused by Rightwing Hindus, chose to destroy a Temple at Ayodhya which is over 680 Kilometers away from Delhi, to build a Masjid?

Beautiful Dome design in a Temple within Katas Raj Temples, made by Mughal Artists during Mughal Rule

Very same Mughal Empire which is accused of demolishing Temple at Ayodhya and build Babri Mosque, built a temple within Katas Raj Temples in the same Mughal Architecture, used in Lahore Fort and other historic buildings of Mughal Era.

A Temple in Katas Raj Temples built in Mughal Architecture

Without a doubt, it will be an exercise in futility to compare Pakistan and India, as both countries have a badly tainted past towards minorities, but do we have to continue living in bigotry and hate, because we had a less than exemplary past towards oppressed communities within our societies?

A walkway leading to another Temple within Katas Raj, including Jain Temples on the sides

As Rightwing Hindus are celebrating Shaurya Diwas today, to commemorate Demolition of Babri Masjid 26 years ago, three present day realities about Katas Raj Temples in Pakistan are worth mentioning, in hope that this message reaches maximum human beings throughout India and the World.

Katas Raj Temples are located in the area of Pakistan, with the highest number of recruits in Pakistan Army. When you travel through the area towards Katas Raj, you can see that on the side roads leading to villages along the main road, at the start of every side road, there are big boards showing pictures for Martyrs of Pakistan Army belonging to that particular village. Even in such an area with every family having men serving in Pakistan Army, during December 1992 when the Rightwing Hindus demolished Babri Masjid, some locals attacked Katas Raj Temples in retaliation. But even before Law Enforcement agencies could come to protect Katas Raj, people from local population came to protect Katas Raj from any damage, and it is only due to the brave effort of local people at that time, that these beautiful Temples are still standing today.

While Government of India in partnership with Supreme Judiciary in India is oppressing and terrorizing Muslim minority by continuing demands to build a Temple at the site of demolished Babri Masjid, Government of Pakistan is spending money and effort to protect and restore thousands of years old Hindu Katas Raj Temples and nearby caves used by Hindu holy men.

Caves belonging to Hindu holy men, probably thousands of years old, located opposite to Katas Raj Temples

And in the end, most importantly, every society has more Good people than Bad people, but if good people choose to stay silent, criminals and bigots take control over such Society. Judges must be the people with best possible character in a Society, as they have to ensure Justice and Freedom for all oppressed human beings, irrespective of race and religion. When Chief Justice for Supreme Court of Pakistan, Chief Justice Saqib Nisar learned about the falling water levels at Katas Raj Temples in December 2017 due to excessive use of ground water by nearby Cement factories, he took Suo Moto notice against the Cement factory and asked the administration of the factory to immediately restore Water level of Katas Pond and make sure that the water level never drops again. This happened in a part of Pakistan with very low or almost no apparent Hindu Population, because our heritage is our own history, heritage does not need to have a religion.

Chief Justice for Supreme Court of Pakistan during visit to Katas Raj Temples in December 2017

Babri Masjid case is a similar case about the historic heritage of India, even though belonging to a minority, where Hindu terrorists have demolished a historic place of worship for an oppressed and helpless minority. Will the Honorable Judiciary of India and Honorable Judges for the Supreme Court of India, where the case about demolition of Babri Masjid is being heard, have the courage to do Justice against the Will of the criminals in Indian ruling Elite, and give Babri Masjid back to Muslims of India, showing to the Muslims in India, that they are considered equal Citizens with equal Rights, same rights which Hindus living in India have?

Site Map for Katas Raj Temples


Katas Raj Temples - Personal visit of the Katas Raj Temples with a tour guide and Wikipedia
Takht-i-babri / Throne of Babur - Personal visit of the Site and Wikipedia
Mughal Emperor Babur - Wikipedia


All pictures of Katas Raj Temples are taken by me during visit to the Temples on 26th September 2018


  1. I have never read an explanation so well written on this issue. It speaks the truth that people need to know in fact they need to accept it.

    1. Thank you dear Ma'am Jeenat Khan for your kind words and appreciation, all of us need to make an effort to fight darkness of ignorance, even if with just 1 candle light of hope and truth!

  2. Elaborate and comprehensive. Very well written.


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