Insulin Resistance & Homeopathy, a Logical Suggestion


Insulin resistance is rising among Diabetes Type 1 & Type 2 patients around the world

Homeopathy, a system of Medicine & Treatment, developed in Germany in the late 1700s, based on the philosophy of Like Cures Like, is probably the only system of Medicine in the world, which offers antidote for any Toxic chemical through the Homeopathic potentized form of the same Chemical.

This principal of treating Toxicity from any toxic ingredient, is clearly mentioned in Homeopathic Materia Medicas for treatment of Rhus Toxicodendron Toxicity with Homeopathic potentized Rhus Tox remedy in 200C & above Potencies, similarly treating toxicity for many other naturally occurring Plant based & mineral toxins.

Recently, we had a 20 years old Female Type 1 Diabetes Patient at our clinic, who had very high Fasting (+250mg/dL) & Random (+350mg/dL) Blood Sugar values, even while using two different insulin injections to control her Blood Sugar levels.

Many types of injectable insulin is produced by Pharmaceutical Companies

Allopathic Consultant for the above patient had already diagnosed her as a case of Insulin Resistance and as there is absolutely no treatment in Allopathic medicine for Antibiotic & Insulin Resistance, the patient approached our clinic for Homeopathic treatment.

After detailed case taking, with the patient clearly having major condition of Insulin resistance, a single dose of Homeopathic remedy Insulinum 1M was prescribed to the patient with Sac Lac and patient was asked to report back after 1 week.

Patient reported improved Fasting Blood Sugar values (+150mg / dL) from the very next day of the first dose. But as the patient was taking 2 different kinds of insulin injections regularly, her Fasting Blood sugar values started to rise again after 1 week.

From second week, the patient was prescribed Homeopathic Remedy Insulinum in LM 03 Potency, prepared from Insulinum 30C. The treatment for this patient is in 6th week now and ever since the start of treatment, both the Fasting & Random Blood Sugar values of the patient are satisfactory and stabilized.

This case & all the details are shared with the Homeopathy Physicians as a suggestion to consider for cases of Insulin resistance, so more Homeopathy physicians can consider & share their experiences for the benefit of Patients & Homeopathy Physicians community.

Note : This Article & Homeopathy remedy suggestion is only for the knowledge sharing purpose with the Homeopathy physicians, kindly do not do Self-Prescription, as excessive & incorrect use Homeopathy remedies can complicate health issues.


  1. That's wonderful experience n blog spreading knowledge. Knowledge of homeopathy. In beginning u have beautifully narrated the introduction of system. Loved the way u hv described. Love it love u DR URSALAN SB

    1. Thank you for your kind words, stay blessed always!

  2. Great, is there any vaccination for Diabetes

    1. For poisonous injections, a patient needs to contact Allopathy, as Homeopathy can guide a patient about protection & treatment of most diseases with Homeopathy remedies!


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